Neurofeedback for ADD/ADHD, Learning disabilities, anxiety, depression and more


Q: What Is HEG?


Well, HEG stands for Hemoencephalography. If you could take the cranial bone and hold it up to light, you'd be able to see through it a bit like porcealin. With a little infrared light beam attached to a headband we can encourage cranial blood flow. Several practitioners will start with HEG for a number of sessions with some kids on the autistic spectrum. We find it also really useful with people wrestling with attention issues.

Generally speaking, the default placement is right here in the middle of the forehead. It's one of the easier things we do as far as the client is concerned. They're generally watching a movie and as they do well with getting the blood flow to come towards the front of the head then the movie plays more normally. So, again, it's client dependent weather we need HEG; weather the issue is that there's not adequate blood flow in the front of the brain – and that is fairly common amongst people with attention issues, as well kids on the autistic spectrum. In addition to that, it's also been found to be effective in certian types of migranes – the ones that are involving vascular flow.